Friday, March 25, 2011

Wait a Minute!

"Wait passionately for God, don't leave the path. He'll give you your place in the sun..." Psalm 37:34 (Mg)

As we go into a season of prayer, which we have been doing lately, things begin to change.  You can sense the atmosphere around you taking on new form.  What I mean is this, when we begin to passionately wait on God, things begin to happen. 

Now the things that begin to happen are not always positive.  When we begin to wait passionately upon the Lord it stirs up the Devil and at times, things seem to go in a different direction that what we were praying for, but I like how the verse continues..."don't leave the path."

As we pray and seek God we have got to hang in there.  Sometimes we have to hang on for dear life.  We have to hang on as if our very life depends on it and truth is, sometimes it does.  Waiting on God is not easy.  Waiting while the problems and challenges still swirl around us is often unnerving.  It is like being in the eye of a hurricane.  While being in prayer with God there is this sense of calm, but we can still see all the issues of life swirling around us.

But, if you will passionately wait...if you can hang in there just a bit longer and stay on the will have "your day in the sun."   


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