Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Slight Edge

Anthony Robbins said, "The future is what you make it.  Little, everyday decisions, will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default. In fact, it is the littlest decisions that shape our lives."

I couldn't agree more.  This quote is so true in our spiritual lives.  So many people neglect a daily time with God, studying His word or communicating with Him in prayer and they wonder why they are so powerless to face lifes ups and downs.  In order to lift the heavier weights, we must build up our muscles over time.  In order to lift the heavier weights of life, we must build up our spiritual muscles over time, too.

Do you have a workout routine, if not, start today.  You may not have to lift a heavy object this week or even next week, but what about next month or some time this year.  It is time to build your spiritual muscles starting today.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! I believe it applies to our prayer life as well! The more we pray - (technically speaking) the 'better' we become at praying! Not necessarily more or less effective, but it becomes easier and we can bridge that connection to God easier every time we draw near. We will hear Him closer and clearer. But it takes practice! None of these 'emergency-prayers'! Isnt' that what you called them? :)
    Thank you, Pastor for your insight! It's become part of my daily time.


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