Friday, March 18, 2011

The Road Most Traveled

"And how blessed are those in whom you live. whose lives become roads you travel. They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn-Zion! God in full view!" Psalm 84:5-7 (Msg.)

Think for a moment with me how blessed we are as followers of Jesus Christ to have God travel the road of life with us.  Often times we feel alone in our struggles and journeys, but the truth is God is with us all the way.  When we are lonely and thirsty for companionship, He leads us to brooks of refreshing and pools brimming with his presence. 

In the valleys of life, he leads us up the mountainside which leads to Him-Zion, the holy mountain of God.  And on the mountain top, God is in full view and the things that we thought were so overwhelming now melt away into nothingness as we gaze at His beauty.

My prayer is that we will look up...look up and begin to climb to the mountain top and get God in full view.  Looking down will get us no where. Although we think we are moving forward all that will really happen is we will walk in circles.  And people wonder why they keep ending up at the same place.  LOOK UP!

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