Thursday, March 10, 2011

Audacious Faith!

I have been devouring a new book called "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick.  I recommend you get a copy and read it.  You can purchases it from his website.  Here is the link.

This is a book completely dedicated to our living by faith, but not just an ordinary faith, but audacious faith.  Now before I go any further, let me give you the definition of audacious.  Audacious means: being extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless.  It means I not only say I believe God but that I act on that faith with boldness.  What I believe in the dark, I act out in the light.

In my sermon on Sunday I asked people to write on their connection cards, "I want God's best in my life."  I was amazed at how many people followed through with that request and I want them to know that I did pray for them by name today and partnered with them to believe for God's best in their life.

But God's best also comes by audacious faith which is pursuing God's best and boldly daring to move in the direction of God's best in our life.  I am personally believing God for some bold things or at least bold in my estimation.  But I don't only believe them, I am actively pursuing them, partnering with God to see them happen.  That is what true audacious faith is all about.

We have the opportunity to be either day dreamers or dream pursers.  I choose the latter.

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