Monday, March 14, 2011

The Goodness of God

Psalm 34:8 "Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see - how good God is.  Blessed are you who run to Him."

We could stop today and look at all that is going around us in the world.  And if we did, things are going to look pretty bleak.  There are wars, natural disasters, people who are homeless and hungry, and the threats of more to come are on the horizon.  But didn't Jesus tell us to be on the watch for these things, so why do we seem so surprised when they show up.  Go back to the Book of Matthew and re-read Chapter 24 this week and it will be like reading the local paper or watching the news.

We must choose to focus our attention on God.  Even thought the world around us changes, God never changes.  He is good all the time.  And I love what the Psalmist said, "Blessed are you who run to Him."  So as this world swirls around us and the rest of the world gets into fear and panic, let's choose to run to God" and focus our attention on his goodness.
  • Let's focus on His plenty and not our lack. 
  • Let's focus on His healing and not our sickness. 
  • Let's focus on the fact that He is coming again and all of this will fade away.  
Focusing on Him won't make the world go away, but it least it gets my heart and mind looking at things from a right perspective.

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