Sunday, March 18, 2012

Seasons of Life

Today winter has raised it's ugly head here in Stallion Springs.  We have already cancelled our 1st service and are seriously considering cancelling all services today.  We are watching the weather closely.

Life is also like the seasons, things happen and can cancel the best laid plans.  A marriage that we thought would last forever ends in divorce; a spouse dies; we lose our job; the car breaks down and we don't have the money to get it repaired, yadda, yadda, yaddda!  But here is the beauty of the seasons. When the winter of life shows up we all know that spring is right around the corner. 

Winter doesn't last forever!  I want to say that again...winter doesn't last forever and your winter won't last forever either.  Trust me, the sun (Son) will shine through again and melt away the cold dreary day.  Flowers will bloom, warmth will touch your skin, and the skies will turn blue once again.  You can count on it in the same way that we belive in just a few short days the snow will be gone again.

Pastor Rick

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