Friday, March 16, 2012

God Loves Ordinary People!

Did you know that God loves ordinary people.  I know because I am one of them.  John tells us in John 3:16 that God loved the entire world and gave His son for everyone.  That is how I know God loves ordinary people.  But here is the kicker, God wants to do extraordinary things through ordinary people. 
He wants to do extradionary things through you.  Get what I am saying here, God is not calling you and I to do these extraordinary things through our own power, he is wanting to do them through us.  All he needs is a willing attitude. 

Are you willing?  Are you willing to let Jesus work through and in you today.  Just try it!  Tell Jesus, "work through me today" and then watch what happens.  I won't promise that the earth will shake or a miracle will occur, but it is the small things, compounded over time that make the greatest difference anyway.

Pastor Rick

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