Monday, March 26, 2012


Galatians 4:6 - "Because you are sons, God has sent forth the the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba Father."

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity of spending a week with my son Adam.  I shared that a few weeks ago.  But as I read this scriputre this morning in my devotional, I remembered something that happened on that trip.  Adam is 36 now and since becoming a man he calls me Dad.  Yet, on this trip, there was a moment in one of our conversations where he called me "Daddy." 

It is hard to describe the feeling that came over me hearing him call me Daddy again.  The word Daddy conjurs up feelings of intimacy, connection at the core of our being and describes a relationship of endearment.  In this scripture the same word is used.  Paul said that we are sons of God and as such we can call Him, "Daddy." 

Sure, we know that He is God and that He reigns supreme so there is this sence of not really being able to reach Him, but Paul tells us that is not true.  He is now our Daddy, we are intimately connected to Him the same way my son is connected to me.  That's awesome!
Pastor Rick

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