Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dirty Socks

Galatians 3:6: "Even so Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness." 
If we are truthful with each other, most of the time we try to be good or have a right standing with God by our own personal endeavors.  The term righteousness means to be in right standing.  We work hard at trying to be good, at trying to live a life that pleases God and we are hopeful that God notices how hard we try.  But it seems that we always fall short.  As I write that Romans 3:23 comes ringing in my ear, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  All…everyone…you…me!
It reminds me of a child who works so hard at cleaning his room only to have Mom come in and find a pair of dirty socks in the corner.  Everything is in perfect order, but the only thing noticeable is the pair of dirty socks.  And the child, wanting so much to please Mom, is disappointed because he missed the socks.
Hey, there are countless times I have missed the socks. I have a room full of dirty, smelly socks!  I am consistently disappointed that I missed the socks, but here is the beauty in righteousness.  When Christ comes into our room that we have tried so hard to clean, when He sees the socks, He reaches down, picks them up, and puts them in the dirty clothes basket without letting us know he picked them up.  Because of Him, the room is perfectly clean.
It brings a whole new meaning to the scripture in, Psalm 103:12 that says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”
Pastor Rick

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