Monday, January 7, 2013

Do I Believe God?

Genesis 15:6 - Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
You can gleen so much from these four short verses..."Abram believed God." Here he is without a son to carry on his name and he cries out to God that he wants an heir for he does not want a servant in his household to be his heir. God then takes him outside and asks him to count the stars in heaven and then tells him that his offspring shall be as numerous as the stars of heaven.
5 "He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

Quite a promise, don't you agree? I mean this promise is huge...offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven...and I don't even have a son yet! From a human standpoint it would seem a little farfetched to believe something like that, but when you understand the awesomeness of our God and that with God "nothing is impossible" then when God speaks you can believe Him.
We have a tendendncy to believe it when we see it, but God asks us to believe it and then we'll see it. Here at the church, we have been given so many promises and we are seeing a little trickle of those promises come in, but nothing like we believe God has told us will happen. So where do we put our focus, on what we see or on what God has said? We are tempted to keep our eyes on what we see but I choose to believe what God has said. I choose to "believe the Lord."
Whatever promise God has given you, at this moment, get your eyes off of your lack and on to his provision. If God said it, you can believe it!

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