Monday, November 9, 2015

The Art of Persistence

The Art of Persistence  

Grant Cardone in his book, The 10X Rule makes a powerful statement in Chapter 22, page 164. He says, "The ability to persist on a given path regardless of setbacks, unexpected events, bad news, and resistance - to continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, or course of action in spite of conditions - is a trait common to those who make it . . . we all have to learn how to persist through all types of situations. It is as though this planet has some kind of force or natural tendency - almost like gravity - that challenges people's ability to persist. It's almost like the universe is just trying to find out what you are made of as it continues to confront you."

And all God's Children said, AMEN! Whew, I could not have said it better myself. On our path to becoming all that God intends us to be and on this path of accomplishing all that He wants us to accomplish, we will inevitably hit a few brick walls - maybe more than just a few.  I know that I have come up against numerous seemingly insurmountable obstacles in my lifetime.  Now when faced with them I have choices. I can quit and turn back from the race God has chosen for me to run; I can stop dead in my tracks and neither move forward or backward, or I can persist through the obstacle and see what I am made of.

I choose the latter. Now, I wish I could say that I have always made the choice to move forward, but that has not always been the case, but I have learned through the years to just hang in there. Like the mouse above, I have had to put on a few helmets to move forward to reach my goal. I recently heard a quote (sorry I don't remember who from) but it said, "The prize is not to finally get what you are after, but the prize is what you become in the pursuit of it." God uses every type of circumstance and challenge to make us into his image.

I am so grateful that Jesus, when faced with the cross did not quit but he went all the way. Was it hard, you bet? He cried in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane that His Father would take this task away from him, but he did not want his will to be accomplished, but the Father's.

How about you? Will you persist? Will you make it to your destiny? Will you, despite all the trials, tribulations and challenges finish your race. The Apostle Paul came to the end of his life and said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7, NIV). I will finish mine, I have dedicated myself to that task.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your daily blogs. It is very encouraging to read. God bless!!!


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