Wednesday, April 22, 2015

God Chooses the Most Unlikely People to Star in His Story!

God Chooses the Most Unlikely People to Star in His Story!

People love their reality shows, don’t they? Truthfully, I have never found them that interesting, but I overhear conversations about “Idol,” Dancing with the Stars,” Survivor,” and the “Voice.” We also have reality shows that highlight some famous family and all their drama.  I have enough drama of my own; I have little need to experience someone else’s.

But imagine for a moment that a new reality show is being cast and this new series will be a spellbind story about a man and a woman who build a dynasty. We are going to follow this couple from their first child birth through the building of this empire. Trust me; it is going to be a riveting story.  In our mind we conjure up this image of a handsome man and a gorgeous woman who meet, fall-in-love, and start building their empire. This is the pilot, and it is crucial to make the right call on the individuals who will launch this Kennedy-like family of influence and fame.

The season premier is scheduled and we sit glued to our television set waiting for this dynamic couple to be introduced.  The moment we have all been waiting for finally arrives and the actor and actress are brought into camera view and our mouths drop. Instead of the expected vibrant, young couple with gleaming white teeth and tanned and toned bodies, a 75-year-old man and a 65-year-old woman emerge.  Really! We shout across the living room, how can a dynasty be created from this most unlikely couple.

That is the question Abram and Sari have on their minds, too.  How can it be possible for us to have children must less start a nation? Sari is barren and for her entire life she has never been able to get pregnant and Abram is old and probably past child bearing years, too. I am sure they thought God was out of his mind. And yet, this is what God has chosen.  This is the couple God has chosen to start his “chosen” nation and the couple through which “all the nations of the earth would be blessed” (Genesis 12:1-3).

But that is not the rest of the story.  It will be another 25 years before this promise comes to pass.  By the time they finally have a child, Abram and Sarai will be 100 years old and 90 years old, respectively (and their names will be changed to Abraham and Sarah).  And, they will make numerous mistakes during this waiting period. We all hate waiting, don’t we? There is something at our very core that despises waiting. And, how many times have we tried to take matters into our own hands while waiting?

But this story is not just about waiting; it is more about the types of people that God picks to be a part of His Story. God picks people you and I wouldn’t necessarily select to take part in his story. In fact sometimes we are shocked who plays the starring roles in his stories.  Unlike the way we do business, God doesn’t choose people because of their ability, he chooses people because of their availability. God searches for people who are open to be used by him.  Who would have thought that God would choose a “farm-boy” from Delano, California to be one of his under-shepherds? Who would have thought he would have chosen you, either?

That’s good news, isn’t it?  In the business world, you may not have a great pedigree.  In academics, you may not be a Rhodes Scholar.  You may not have a lot of money and you may have average looks.  But you may be sitting in a pretty good position to be a top pick for God’s work. Are you available?

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