Monday, February 11, 2013

Distinguishing Between the Clean and the Unclean!

Leviticus 10:10 "... so that you can distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean..."
Why is this such a challenge for many people today..."distinguishing between the holy and the common, the clean and unclean."
We want to skirt the issue and act like the rules do not apply to us.
  • We have people living together (not married) and coming to church and acting or believing that everything is alright between them and Jesus when the scripture makes it absolutely clear that fornication is a sin and that sin will be judged.
  • We have married couples going through divorce and showing up to church with another man or woman on their arm and even flaunting an engagement ring while still legally married to the other person and yet the don't see anything morally or ethically wrong with their actions.
  • We have individuals belly-up to the bar on Saturday night, going home drunk and showing up to church on Sunday morning sporting a hang-over and trying to serve Jesus in their arena of ministry.
  • We have people who call themselves Christians who smoke, get drunk, cuss, chew, view pornography, abuse their wives and children, cheat on their taxes, and the list goes on and on...
In these verses of scripture, God calls us to distinguish between the holy and the common, the clean and unclean. If our life is not changed because of our relationship with Christ, they what difference is there between us and a common sinner who does not know Christ. Paul made it clear that "if any man has come to Christ, old things pass away and all things become new" but if there is no newness have we really come to Christ?

If there is no difference between the sinner and the saint, then how will the world ever see how Jesus can make a difference in their lives? If we continue to be like everyone else in the world and yet claim to be a Christian, too, isn't that a contradiction. Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space.

I know this is hard today, but I love you enough to tell you the truth.  And, on my watch, that is what I intend to do, tell the truth.  We need to continually ask our self, “What Would Jesus Do?” If you and I will ask him that question, we will probably make some very needed changes in our life.

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