Tuesday, July 10, 2012

There is an Enemy

There is an enemy, the prince of this world who has a plan of destruction. The devil, according to John 10:10 has a plan to steal, kill and destroy.  He is a destiny thief. And, if you let him, if I let him, he will destroy our destiny. He has numerous plans to snatch us out from the plans of God.

Esther had the favor of the Lord and was born in a time when God needed her most.  You and I are here at this particular time in history because God needs us most, right now. But Esther also had an enemy, Haman the Agagite (a descendant of the Amalekites), who plotted to destroy her, her family and her entire race.   So too, Satan has the same plans for us.  He does not just want to destroy us personally, but he wants to destroy our entire families, businesses, churches and nations.  Let me take it even further.  He wants to destroy the entire world.

If you have vowed to serve God, the devil will come at you and come at you hard.  Right now you may be wondering why certain things are happening to you, your family, your business, or your church; it is because you have a destiny.  You have a destiny to show Christ even in the midst of pain and struggle.  You have destiny to show the world that there is hope in hopeless situations. We have a destiny to complete what God has called you to do.

In the last part of John 10:10, Jesus said, “…but I have come to give you life and that life in abundance.”  Hang in there, determine not to give up, put your hand in the Master’s hand and he will walk you through this dark valley and lead you to the fulfillment of your destiny.

Pastor Rick

1 comment:

  1. What perfect timing on this message pastor...thank you. Have definitely missed your blogs...JM


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