Sunday, July 24, 2011

Making Memories!

Today I am on vacation with my grandchildren, Drew and Carlee. This is our fourth annual trip together.  Sandy and I made a commitment to spend one week a year with them, just her and I, so we could solidify our relationship them. 

Life is short!  Solomon wrote: "What is your life, it is a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."  I don't want mine to vanish away without making some memories.  For, when we make memories, we never really die, for our loved ones can bring us back to reality with just a thought

It is the thought that counts.  What memories will people have of you.  Is it time to make some new ones? 

And, speaking of memories, we are headed to Columbia State Park to make some right now.  The kids are going to do some gold fun is that?

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